PieMC Documentation - Setup & Start

A computer or device with the following is required:
- Python 3.10 or newer Installed

Installing, Updating and Running:

1. Download the latest stable version of PieMC on github.
2. Unzip the file
3. Double click on start.cmd (For windows) or start.sh (For Linux).
4. If there is any update available, it will update automatically.


Let's take a look to the configuration file: config.py. This file is used to store various settings for PieMC. It can be found in piemc folder.

PORT = 19132
GAMEMODE = Survival
LANG = en
MOTD1 = PieMC Server
MOTD2 = Powered by PieMC
DEBUG = True  ; Only For Development

In theconfig.py file, we have defined settings for the PieMC server.

For example, the HOST setting is set to, indicating that the server will listen on localhost. The PORT setting is set to 19132 (Default), specifying the port number the server will use for communication with the client.
Other settings such as MAX_PLAYERS, GAMEMODE, LANG, MOTD1, MOTD2, and DEBUG are also defined.


PieMC can be extended and customized with plugins.
A plugin is an external module which can be “plugged in” to your server to add custom features, change default behaviours and more.

Downloading Plugins

Discover a diverse array of pre-made plugins on our plugin Marketplace, PieMC Marketplace.

Installing/updating a plugin

Installing the desired plugin will be a breeze with a simple command execution.
You can find the specific installation command in the PieMC Marketplace (Under Development).

Creating your own plugin

Creating your own plugin will be a seamless task, thanks to our robust and powerful development library.

// Coming Soon

After Early Access to our Plugin API? see here